Vienna Office
The registered office of Jehovas Zeugen in Österreich is located in Vienna.
Religious Society
Jehovas Zeugen in Österreich
Schwendergasse 61/6
1150 Vienna
In order to pool resources and simplify procedures, certain tasks have been outsourced to our Central Europe Branch (Selters, Germany). The Branch Committee is responsible for the spiritual and administrative supervision of the religious association. It is legally represented by the board of directors.
Assembly Hall
An Assembly Hall serves as a venue for regional, all-day religious services (conventions and assemblies). The hall in Sankt Pölten has been used for this purpose for decades.
Kingdom Halls
For our weekly worship, we use dedicated buildings known as “Kingdom Halls” (houses of worship). In Austria, we have over 150 of these halls.
A Kingdom Hall is functional and simple. It consists mainly of a podium with a lectern and rows of seating. It also has a library and an area where Bible-based publications can be obtained.